API Reference

References for simplecochlea classes


Simple-Cochlea Main Package

Cochlea Sub-Classes

cochlea.BandPassFilterbank(order, wn, fs[, …]) Band-pass Filterbank Class Defines a bank of band-pass filters.
cochlea.RectifierBank(n_channels, fs[, …]) RectifierBank Class Parralel association of rectifier units.
cochlea.CompressionBank(n_channels, fs, …) CompressionBank Class Parralel association of compression units.
cochlea.LIFBank(n_channels, fs, tau[, …]) Leaky Integrate and Fire (LIF) Bank Parralel association of LIF neuron model.

Cochlea Class


process_input(input_sig[, do_plot]) Process input signal through the Cochlea
process_one_channel(input_sig, channel_pos) Process a signal with 1 channel of the cochlea
process_test_signal(signal_type[, …]) Run a test signal through the cochlea.
plot_channel_evolution(input_sig[, channel_pos]) Plot the processing of input_sig signal through the cochlea, for channels specified by channel_pos.
save(dirpath[, filename]) Save the cochlea.

Test signals


generate_sinus(fs, f_sin[, t_offset, t_max, …]) Generate a signal containing one or more sinusoides.
generate_dirac(fs[, t_offset, t_max, amplitude]) Generate a impulse signal (mathematically defined by the Dirac delta function)
generate_step(fs[, t_offset, t_max, amplitude]) Generate a impulse signal (mathematically defined by the Dirac delta function)
merge_wav_sound_from_dir(dirpath, …[, …])
generate_abs_stim(dirpath, chunk_duration, …) Generate a stimulus used for Audio Brain Spotting (ABS).
get_abs_stim_params(chunk_duration_s, …) For a sequence when a target segment is repeating n_repeat_target timesand interleaved by n_noise_iter noise segments, returns the pattern of each segments
delete_zero_signal(dirpath) There are some null signals (only zero amplitude) in the ABS directory.



sort(field) Sort the spikelist by increasing attribute, selected by field
select_spike([time_min, time_max, …]) Select a subset of the spikelist.
epoch(t_start, t_end) Epoch the spikelist given the time periods defined by t_start and t_end.
epoch_on_triggers(t_triggers, time_pre, …) Apply the epoch function on each trigger whose time is defined by t_triggers.
export([export_path, export_name]) Export the spikelist as a .mat file
to_dataframe() Convert the spikelist to a dataframe containing 3 fields : ‘time’, ‘channel’ and ‘pattern_id’
plot([bin_duration, potential_thresh, …]) Plot the spikelist.
plot_channel_selectivity([title_str]) Plot channel selectivity.
get_median_isi() Compute and return the median ISI (Inter-Spike-Interval) for each channel.
get_mean_isi() Compute and return the mean ISI (Inter-Spike-Interval) for each channel.
set_pattern_id_from_time_limits(t_start, …) Given time limits given by t_start and t_end, set the pattern_id of spikes in this time interval.
get_pattern_results(t_start, t_end, pattern_id) Compute the number of spikes per segment.
get_channel_selectivity() Compute channel selectivity.
add_time_offset(t_offset) Add a time offset to the spikes time.